On Saturday, February 3, 2024, we gathered as CDP Churches & Ministers to hear our financial report from 2023, and to talk about a budget for 2024. We learned that our 34 Churches gave a total of $10,986.40 towards the budget for 2023.

I believe we can do better! I believe I can do better with the congregation I pastor in Dundalk. We have a new budget for 2024 that will call for your participation. Our budget for 2024 is $29,300.00. Fourteen out of thirty-four churches in CDP contributed something to the District budget in 2023. I believe we can do better!

I want to challenge each Church and Pastor in CDP to call on their congregation to support CDP financially in some measure in 2024. If each congregation could share $50 to $100 each month, we could double our income. You know that in the local church it takes money to get things done. The same is true in our CDP District.

Will you pray about what you and your congregation can do in 2024? Let’s see what God can do as we share together. I believe I can do better. I believe we can do better!

God Bless You,
Pastor Jeff Tomlinson
CDP Elder Board Chairperson